Website development and promotion

Website development and promotion

The presence of the site does not always guarantee the influx of new customers and expansion. In order to achieve your goal, you need to ensure that as many people as possible know about you. That is why the development and promotion of the site should be carried out in a pair. Without the second stage, you can never see the result.

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Website development and promotion: goals and objectives

Each service, be it site development, promotion or improvement of functionality, has its own goals. Only a clearly defined task can be accomplished with a guaranteed result. Therefore, it is important to involve experienced professionals who understand the mechanism of promotion in search engines.

The service has the following objectives:

  • Derive the address to the first positions of search engines (in TOP 10).
  • Improve the result of user actions in the form of new requests, orders, registration on your site or calls.
  • Outrun competitors in a similar direction in search results.
  • Increase sales, including in the long term.

Development and promotion of sites is carried out in stages. The first task is to create a site that meets customer requirements. It should be as convenient as possible, contain the information that a potential buyer is looking for. Already on the quality of the performance of this work will depend on the likelihood of the first positions of search engines. At the next stage, specialists are engaged in promotion.

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Stages of promotion

Regardless of how well site development is done, promotion begins with a full analysis. It allows you to identify errors, weaknesses and shortcomings that affect the ability to get into the top search engine results.

Only after this stage work is performed:

  • Compilation of semantic core. This is a specific list of words and phrases that are used in the text part. They allow users to find the information they are looking for. The same applies to search engines.
  • Elimination of errors and omissions identified during the analysis.
  • Improved functionality, settings for mobile versions, acceleration of the site as a whole. The stage includes layout of pages, creation of a site map, elaboration of meta tags.
  • A set of measures to improve usability. Usability includes the optimization of both graphic and text parts.
  • Analysis of the quality of photographs, texts, updating information, its uniqueization.
  • Promotion through portals, sites and other resources by purchasing links.
  • Registration on thematic sites, directories, catalogs, Google maps and Yandex.

Other works can also be performed to get into the top ten. Selection of methods that determine how the development and promotion of the site is performed, is carried out individually, depending on the initial analysis result.

The company Genesis Group is one of the largest IT companies in Ukraine. Our specialists carry out website development, promotion of search engines in the TOP, analysis and usability, as well as other activities that allow to promote the product or service through Internet technologies. The staff includes experienced professionals, each of whom performs a specific task. This not only saves time, but also significantly improves the quality of the result.

Website development, promotion, functionality expansion will help you increase the flow of potential customers to your product or service. It is only necessary to contact our experts and together with them to determine the volume and cost of work.

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